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method for treating ammoniacal nitrogen in wastewater


What is claimed is: 1. A method for treating ammoniacal nitrogen in wastewater performed via oxidizing the ammoniacal nitrogen by bacterial sludges and producing at least either of nitrite nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, the method comprising: an inactivating treatment step of treating the bacterial sludges with an inactivating operation via sterilizing bacteria or causing bacteriostasis; a

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biological removal of nitrogen from wastewater

Biological removal of nitrogen from wastewater

Biological removal of nitrogen from wastewater Article · Literature Review (PDF Available) in Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology 192:159-95 · February 2008 with 9,158 Reads

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a comparative study on removal of ammoniacal nitrogen

A Comparative Study on Removal of Ammoniacal Nitrogen

Nutrient compound such as ammoniacal nitrogen (NH4-N), often present in different types of waters and wastewaters, can find their way to lakes, rivers and drinking water reservoirs and are...

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treatment of ammonia nitrogen wastewater in low

Treatment of Ammonia Nitrogen Wastewater in Low

In China, the primary standard of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater is less than 15 mg/L and the secondary standard is less than 50 mg/L (Integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978-1996)). The methods of chemical precipitation, blow-off, and adsorption are commonly used for the treatment of ammonia nitrogen wastewater at low concentration.

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how to reduce or remove ammoniacal nitrogen

How to reduce or remove ammoniacal nitrogen

Biological nitrogen removal is regarded as the most efficient and economically feasible method available for removal of ammonia from wastewater.Deammonification treatment using single-tank approach.

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aerobic wastewater treatment, secondary & biological

Aerobic Wastewater Treatment, Secondary & Biological

Cleanmaxx® is one of the effective biological wastewater treatment solutions. It is a specialised heterogenous concentrated consortium of uniquely functional bacteria with a high proliferative capacity and tenacity to withstand hostile effluent waters.

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total nitrogen in wastewater - chemscan

Total Nitrogen in Wastewater - CHEMSCAN

The Total Nitrogen load on the process is the sum of the soluble organic nitrogen and ammonia contributed by the incoming wastewater plus any nitrogen contributed by the Return Activated Sludge plus the nitrogen from any recirculation flow back from the nitrification stages of the treatment process.

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analysis of tkn and ammonia in npdes wastewater samples

Analysis Of TKN And Ammonia In NPDES Wastewater Samples

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) is the U.S. EPA-approved parameter used to measure organic nitrogen and ammonia. The TKN content of influent municipal wastewater is typically between 35 and 60 mg/L. Organic nitrogen compounds in wastewater undergo microbial conversion to NH 3 and ammonium ion NH+ 4.Ammonium ion is the first inorganic nitrogen species produced during biological wastewater treatment.

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optimization and adaptation of wastewater treatment plants

Optimization and Adaptation of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Abstract It was identified that the original design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to be implemented in the different projects of Block 57 only includes an aerobic biological process followed by a process of sedimentation and disinfection in two complementary consecutive stages, designed to comply the Water Quality Limits (LMP) according the Ministry of Environment regulations for

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procesos aerobios y anóxicos - ibtech

Procesos Aerobios y Anóxicos - IBTech

The biological filter is a process designed to put the wastewater in contact with the biomass adhered to a fixed support medium, which constitutes a bed of biological oxidation. The objective of a trickling filter is to reduce the organic load existing in domestic or industrial sewage.

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assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated

Assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated

Assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated by biological processes using luminescent bacteria . Evaluación de la toxicidad en aguas residuales industriales tratadas por procesos biológicos utilizando bacterias luminiscentes . Diana C. Rodríguez-Loaiza 1,2, Omaira Ramírez-Henao 1,3, Gustavo A. Peñuela-Mesa 1,4

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an overview of landfill leachate treatment via activated carbon...

An overview of landfill leachate treatment via activated carbon...

X.Z. Li, Q.L. Zhao, Ef?ciency of biological treatment affected by high strength of ammonium-nitrogen in leachate and chemical precipitation of ammoniumnitrogen as pretreatment, Chemosphere 44 (2001) 37–43. [90]

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biological phenol degradation by immobilized-cells


BIOLOGICAL PHENOL DEGRADATION BY IMMOBILIZED-CELLS OF Pseudomonas putida IN A THREE-PHASE FLUIDIZED BIOREACTOR Silva E 1 *, Campos J 2 1 *Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Chemical Engineering, Via Washington Luiz, Km. 235, CEP 13565-905, São Carlos - SP - Brazil.

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commercial laundry water characterisation

Commercial Laundry Water Characterisation

Surfactants are the major active ingredients of laundry detergents. Therefore, special attention should be focused on the treatment and disposal of laundry wastewater. The aim of this study was to characterise the wastewater from a commercial laundry over 30 days. Physicochemical analyses were performed, monitoring the content of nitrogen, phosphate, heavy metals, linear alkylbenzene

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removal of high and low levels of ammonium from industrial

Removal of High and Low Levels of Ammonium from Industrial

Removal of High and Low Levels of Ammonium from Industrial Wastewaters is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering – Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction Jacimaria Batista, Ph.D. Kathryn Hausbeck Korgan, Ph.D.

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optimization and adaptation of wastewater treatment plants

Optimization and Adaptation of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Abstract It was identified that the original design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to be implemented in the different projects of Block 57 only includes an aerobic biological process followed by a process of sedimentation and disinfection in two complementary consecutive stages, designed to comply the Water Quality Limits (LMP) according the Ministry of Environment regulations for

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occurrence of pathogenic free‐living amoebae and bacterial

Occurrence of Pathogenic Free‐Living Amoebae and Bacterial

The average removal efficiencies of suspended solids, BOD 5 and ammoniacal nitrogen were 71.5 %, 50.6 % and 13.1 %, respectively. The relatively low removal efficiencies of the various bacteriological, physical and chemical parameters suggest that the hydraulic retention time was probably insufficient for optimal treatment to occur.

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volatilization of ammonia in systems of treatment of swine

Volatilization of ammonia in systems of treatment of swine

nitrogen (N) removal (Poach et al., 2003). According to Vesilind and Morgan (2011), the N is an important element in biological reactions, and may be connected to components that produce a lot of energy, such as amino acids and amines, also known as organic N. An intermediate element formed during the biological metabolism é the ammoniacal N.

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procesos aerobios y anóxicos - ibtech

Procesos Aerobios y Anóxicos - IBTech

The biological filter is a process designed to put the wastewater in contact with the biomass adhered to a fixed support medium, which constitutes a bed of biological oxidation. The objective of a trickling filter is to reduce the organic load existing in domestic or industrial sewage.

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assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated

Assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated

Assessment of toxicity in industrial wastewater treated by biological processes using luminescent bacteria . Evaluación de la toxicidad en aguas residuales industriales tratadas por procesos biológicos utilizando bacterias luminiscentes . Diana C. Rodríguez-Loaiza 1,2, Omaira Ramírez-Henao 1,3, Gustavo A. Peñuela-Mesa 1,4

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air stripping of ammonia from coke wastewater


High concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen in fecal sewage pose a great threat to subsequent treatment steps. The conventional removal technique in China mainly involves air stripping. However, the concentration of ammonia in the effluent is often very high, and the fillers in towers could...

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sewage for energy generation - life saving e project

Sewage for energy generation - Life Saving E Project

With the aim of reducing the high energy cost by using sewage for energy generation, a research group from the Department of Biological, Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is developing the LIFE SAVING E project, coordinated by Dr Julián Carrera and financed by the European Union LIFE program

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the sources and solutions: wastewater | nutrient pollution

The Sources and Solutions: Wastewater | Nutrient Pollution

Wastewater treatment facilities in the United States process approximately 34 billion gallons of wastewater every day. Wastewater contains nitrogen and phosphorus from human waste, food and certain soaps and detergents. Once the water is cleaned to standards set and monitored by state and federal officials, it is typically released into a local

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application of a novel mass bio system to remove low

Application of a novel Mass Bio System to remove low

Nitrogen hazards are diverse, and almost all other forms of nitrogen except molecular N 2, especially ammonia and nitrate, can adversely affect human health and the environment. 23. Nitrogen removal methods fall broadly into two categories: physico-chemical and biological treatment methods.

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optimization and adaptation of wastewater treatment plants

Optimization and Adaptation of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Abstract It was identified that the original design of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to be implemented in the different projects of Block 57 only includes an aerobic biological process followed by a process of sedimentation and disinfection in two complementary consecutive stages, designed to comply the Water Quality Limits (LMP) according the Ministry of Environment regulations for

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volatilization of ammonia in systems of treatment of swine

Volatilization of ammonia in systems of treatment of swine

nitrogen (N) removal (Poach et al., 2003). According to Vesilind and Morgan (2011), the N is an important element in biological reactions, and may be connected to components that produce a lot of energy, such as amino acids and amines, also known as organic N. An intermediate element formed during the biological metabolism é the ammoniacal N.

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air stripping of ammonia from coke wastewater


High concentrations of ammoniacal nitrogen in fecal sewage pose a great threat to subsequent treatment steps. The conventional removal technique in China mainly involves air stripping. However, the concentration of ammonia in the effluent is often very high, and the fillers in towers could...

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biological phenol degradation by immobilized-cells


BIOLOGICAL PHENOL DEGRADATION BY IMMOBILIZED-CELLS OF Pseudomonas putida IN A THREE-PHASE FLUIDIZED BIOREACTOR Silva E 1 *, Campos J 2 1 *Federal University of São Carlos, Department of Chemical Engineering, Via Washington Luiz, Km. 235, CEP 13565-905, São Carlos - SP - Brazil.

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procesos aerobios y anóxicos - ibtech

Procesos Aerobios y Anóxicos - IBTech

The biological filter is a process designed to put the wastewater in contact with the biomass adhered to a fixed support medium, which constitutes a bed of biological oxidation. The objective of a trickling filter is to reduce the organic load existing in domestic or industrial sewage.

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physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of water

Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Water

The Desierto de los Leones National Park is a place that features recreational activities for residents and visitors to Mexico City. The Presa de los Patos (Ducks Dam) is one of the many bodies of water that are present in the park. By means of physico-chemical and microbiological analysis, it was determined that the water of the Presa de los Patos cannot be considered potable.

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commercial laundry water characterisation

Commercial Laundry Water Characterisation

Surfactants are the major active ingredients of laundry detergents. Therefore, special attention should be focused on the treatment and disposal of laundry wastewater. The aim of this study was to characterise the wastewater from a commercial laundry over 30 days. Physicochemical analyses were performed, monitoring the content of nitrogen, phosphate, heavy metals, linear alkylbenzene

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