making process of polyacrylamide degradation and its implications
klt g1761 drinking water treatment: shock chlorination

KLT G1761 Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination

pump, distribution pipeline, hot water heater, etc.). Shock chlorination is an effective treatment method to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in drinking water supplies. In addition, shock chlorination can be effective in managing iron, man-ganese, and/or sulfur bacteria. Shock chlorination is recommended as follows: • Upon completion of a new well.

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drinking water treatment: shock chlorination

Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination

Shock chlorination is the introduction of a strong chlorine solution into the entire water distribution system (well, pump, distribution pipeline, hot water heater, etc.). Shock chlorination is an effective treatment method to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in drinking water supplies.

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drinking water treatment: shock chlorination

Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination

Shock chlorination is the introduction of a strong chlorine solution into the entire water distribution system (well, pump, distribution pipeline, hot water heater, etc.). Shock chlorination is an effective treatment method to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in drinking water supplies. In addition, shock chlorination can be effective in

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drinking water treatment

Drinking Water Treatment

treatment should be continued until the boil advisory is lifted by the public water system. If bacterial contamina-tion of a private well occurs, shock chlorination of the well and waterline is recommended (see the NebGuide G1761, Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination). Short-term accidental contamination with known

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drinking water: iron and manganese

Drinking Water: Iron and Manganese

Shock chlorination procedures are described in NebGuide G1761, Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination. It is almost impossible to kill all the iron and manganese bacteria in a system. In most cases, they will grow back eventually. The shock chlorination procedure will most likely need to be repeated from time to time.

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drinking water publications

Drinking Water Publications

G1493 Drinking Water Treatment: Distillation G1761 Drinking Water Treatment: Shock Chlorination G1496 Drinking Water Treatment: Continuous Chlorination G1494 Drinking Water Treatment: Emergency Procedures G1704 Chloramines Water Disinfection: Omaha Metropolitan Utilities District and Lincoln Water System G2275 Drinking Water Treatment: Salt

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